Ethiopian Lives
11th Golden Comic Awards Honor Boundless Creativity of Taiwan's Comic CreationsDetails
"The Ministry of Culture of Taiwan" kicked off the 11th Golden Comic Awards at the Taipei New Horizon Building on September 28. The "MOC" presented six awards, among them, the Grand Prize and a NT$500,000 purse. These were granted to Nobi Chang for Time Swirl.
China's Chengdu offers $42.3-billion opportunities in building world renowned cultural cityDetails
Southwest China's Chengdu, a top travel destination with vibrant cultural creativity in the country, will offer a slew of supportive policies and investment opportunities centering on building the city into a world renowned cultural city on October 15. The October event is carried out by National Business Daily.
What details should be paid attention to when using lanternDetails
The lantern prevents strong winds from forming a lantern festival. The main reason for the short outdoor life of animal lanterns is high winds. Because of the special manufacturing process, it cannot resist the wind well.
What is the function of softener flake softener for textilesDetails
Softener flake is an important finishing process in printing and dyeing. It is also a chemical substance that can change the static and dynamic friction coefficient of the fiber. So what is the effect of softer flake on textiles? Here is a brief introduction.
Do you understand these characteristics of large inflatable tent?Details
Do you know these characteristics of large inflatable tents? Compared with ordinary metal tents, large inflatable tents have incomparable advantages. They are light in weight and small in size. They have the advantages that ordinary metal tents do not have in transportation and Its erection and dismantling are very simple, and will not waste more manpower and time.
Prone failures and countermeasures of conveyor equipment for conveyor belt sushiDetails
The conveyor belt sushi equipment installed in the conveyor belt sushi restaurant has been out of order for some time, so how to check it? Ssangyong Sheng conveyor equipment manufacturers provide the following suggestions, generally the following points are for reference only!
Product summary of pdlc glassDetails
The pdlc glass was invented and patented by researchers at Kent State University in the late 1980s. In China, people are used to calling glass as smart electronically controlled glass, smart glass, liquid crystal glass, electronically controlled glass, color-changing glass, PDLC glass, smart glass, magic glass, etc.
The development trend of wet wipes fungicide industryDetails
Many companies are only tentatively entering the wet wipes fungicide sales market, and have not promoted it as a fully separate product category. In addition, considering that it cannot be like the general paper towel sales market for the time being, it will become everyone Therefore, due to many restrictions such as the sales volume of the overall sales market, the capital investment of manufactu
What is a military challenge coins?Details
Today's military challenge coins have evolved from a seemingly simple design to more complex and colorful varieties, mainly due to the advancement of manufacturing technology that has been perfected over the years. More and more unit leaders have realized that a small, personalized challenge coin can build unity between teams and at the same time boost the morale of the entire unit.
industry aluminium profles Development direction and useDetails
With people’s further understanding of the properties of aluminum alloys, the industrial applications of industry aluminium profles have gradually expanded. The high strength, large aspect ratio, and complex cross sections that are difficult to machine are more and more popular. industry aluminium profles should design and develop products from the perspective of users to achieve professionalism.